Britten-Norman hangar


BN-2 Islander

Designed in the early 60's as a low cost light transport, the BN-2 Islander is a small, simple and rugged twin-engine aircraft.

I’m supplying you with a small collection of different versions:

BN-2A series - A set of BN-2A models; the earlier Islander versions, with a "vintage" panel and including the following versions: BN-2A-21, BN-2A-26 and BN-2A-27.

BN-2B series - A set of BN-2B models; the later Islander versions, with a "newer" panel and including the following versions: BN-2B-20, BN-2B-21, BN-2B-26 and BN-2B-27.

BN-2B-20 on floats - A version of the B20 modified with amphibious floats.

BN basic factory trim - Basic Islander factory trim; a set of 6 different color combinations that can be used with the standard BN-2A and BN-2B.

Islander interior views - 360º views (or rather side and rear) for use with the Islanders. These files can be used for the BN-2A, BN-2B and BN-2T models.

Downloads v1051

BN-2A series v1051 13.7mb   BN-2B series v1051 15.0mb    BN-2B-20 Islander floats v1051 3.6mb

Universal    BN2_interior_views 4.5mb    BN_factory_trim liveries 1.2mb

BN-2A mkIII Trislander

Answer to how to stretch an Islander. Not winning a beauty price, but still a useful and economic means of transportation.

A conversion of my old v566 model.

Download includes the 360-interior views/panels

Ross Amphibian

A design/study for a seaplane conversion of the Islander, in this case based on the BN-2B-26.

This one is nothing but a quick conversion of the previous v763 model. I stopped flying and updating it as I like better the version on floats.

Download    BN-2 Ross Amphibian 3.5mb    Ross_Amphibian-v970 3.3mb

BN-2T Turbo Islander

Different versions of the turboprop engined Islander including:

The first BN-2T Turbo islander - BN-2T Defender Cyprus Police - BN-2T Defender SELEX

BN-2T Astor airborne radar - BN-2T-4R (new tail) - BN-2T-4S civilian and police (longer fuselage, new tail).

Tip - The interior views of the standard Islander -see above- also fit all Turbo models except the 4R and 4T (stretched fuselage).


Static objects for your scenery: a small collection of Islanders and Trislanders saved as obj8 for use in your scenery.

Download    Britten-Norman objects 5.5mb