Active’s models
Active’s models
Updates, re-saves and mods of Active’s old v970 models
A big thank you to Julien a.k.a. Active for allowing me to take over his old v970 freeware models... and some of our cooperative models (Sikorsky, Wessex).
As agreed with Active, these models (and modifications) are parked here for the time being; awaiting his return to the x-plane world.
Mil Mi-8 Hip
NEW: mod 02-2021 (new pilots and adjusted interior lighting)
A re-save with mild modifications for v1141, 1051 & v970.
What was done
The flight model was left unchanged. The only new changes/adjustments include:
> Animations - Doors are now operated with the usual sliders/commands <shift F1> F2 etc..
> Interior - Addition of interior lighting for cabin and cockpit, plus the needed buttons/rheostats. Replaced the FMS for 2 G430's (generic v1051 and 1141 with popup window).
A nice addition to this model is the FMOD soundpack by snoooze39, see here at the org.
Mil Mi-8 v1141 69.1mb Mil Mi-8 v1051 67.7mb Mil Mi-8 v970 67.4mb
Mil Mi-8 paintkit (psd) 15.1mb
Mil Mi-26 Halo
mod 02-2021
Growing big!
A re-save with mild modifications for v1141, 1051 & v970.
What was done
The flight model was left unchanged. The only new changes/adjustments include:
> Animations - Doors and cargo now operated with the usual sliders/commands <shift F1> F2 etc.
> Interior - Addition of interior lighting for cabin and cockpit, plus the needed buttons/rheostats. Replacement of old FMS for xp generic Garmin 430’s.
> Cargo for v1051 & v1141 installed and manageable as weapons. Slung loads available.
Mil Mi-26 v1141 68.9mb Mil Mi-26 v1051 67.6mb Mil Mi-26 v970 67.2mb
Mil-26 paintkit (psd) 15.8mb