Antonov hangar


Antonov An-12

Late 50‘s design for a large, 4-engined cargo and transport aircraft, derived from the Antonov An-10 turboprop airliner.

Widely in use (still) as military and civilian cargo aircraft mainly in the former East Block and communist countries. The large number of military (sub)versions included also specific models for ECM, ELINT and AEW operations.

Dubbed as the Russian counterpart of the C-130 Hercules.

By the way, check also the v1141 3D version here at the org; a cooperation of ‘Henkfix’ and myself using Emmanuel Barranger’s 3D model.

Download            Antonov_An12-v1051 9.0mb

Antonov An-2 - 3D version

Affectionally called Annie or Anoushka. The big, single engine biplane, utility and agricultural aircraft; with a production run of more than 18.000 pieces spanning from 1947-2002. Also dubbed as ‘the siberian school bus’ and ‘kolkhoznik’ (collective farmer).

NEW - The Antonov An-2 v300 freeware by ksgy updated for v970 and v1051

Yes, the v1051 version is ready fly in xp11.

Modifications, repairs, changes:

-Propeller (disc) object was removed.

-Cockpit object edited to:

- -remove the interior windshield glass to make a separate object of this glass part.

- -glass faces of dials have been made fully transparent

- -some handles and switches that showed up too blocky and with odd texturing are made transparent to show only the better ones from the cockpit base object

-Interior lighting added/modified as flood light for cockpit and cabin

-3D propeller texture added -for v10 only- replacing mentioned propeller object

-Flood light rheostat (dim button) added to cockpit -on iPhone part

-Some adjustments to exterior lights (landing and taxi lights)

No, you won't get a modern G430/G530 with this old lady... instead I'm still using the old standard GPS installed by Mihaly as a lookalike iPhone, just to keep her old airs and feeling intact.

All done with ksgy's permission. Thank you Mihaly!

> for my old v970 2D version see the bottom of this page

Download            An-2 v3 v1051+ 5-2018mod 110.7mb    An-2 v3 v970 36.9mb