Helicopter pad


Bell UH-1H Huey

The iconic Huey helicopter.

Brett Sumpter’s original v7x model kept alive over the versions.

Download UH-1H Huey v970a 836kb

The old v970 Helicopter pad

A collection of simple helicopter models. In most cases just a quick conversion of my old v763 birds.

Sorry, no guarantee as to how flyable they are in v970 and beyond. You should be able to load them into v10 too.

For flight model tweaks and revisions I can only depend on Brett’s (and others) help and time, as I rarely fly this machines myself.

Bell CH-146 Griffon

A simple conversion of Brett Sumpter's old Huey model (above) to fake a CH-146 Griffon (or Agusta-Bell AB412).

Download CH-146 Griffon v970a 1.3mb

Bristol Belvedere HC.1

Twin turbine, tandem rotor, transport helicopter.

Just a simple model of this less common late 50‘s british workhorse.

Download Belvedere-v970a 2.3mb

Hughes OH-6A Cayuse - Hughes 500C & 500M

The light and versatile 'Flying Egg' in its earlier guises: OH-6A and 500C, 500M.

-By no means a replacement or alternative to Brett Sumpter & Alex Gifford's excellent v9.31 MD500D.

Take your pick out of 4 models:

OH-6A Cayuse - the early military version; comes with alternative armament.

500C - the standard civilian 369H (low skids), includes floats.

500M - military 369H on taller skids, includes floats.

369HS - civilian version 500C on taller skids (no floats).


OH-6A Cayuse-v970a 3.8mb    H500C_TF-GRO-v970a 2.0mb

H500M_Armada-v970a 2.0mb    H500C_Ardmore-v970a 2.1mb

Piasecki H-21 Shawnee

Wonder why they sometimes referred to it as the 'flying banana'?

With thanks to Brett Sumpter for his update and tweaking (v864), as usual.

Download H-21_Shawnee-v970a 2.8mb

Kaman HH-43 Huskie

A simple model of the vintage Huskie, a typical Kaman design with intermeshing rotors.

A plain USAF livery and most probably not flying to specs... but hey, at least it does fly :-)

Download HH-43_Huskie-v970a 2.2mb

Sikorsky S-51 & Westland WS-51

Very simple model of one of the earlier helicopters.

The late 40‘s to early 50‘s Sikorsky S-51 (HO3S for the US military) was later also built by Westland in Britain as the WS-51 Dragonfly.

Interior/cockpit views based on my own photographs.


S-51 standard-v970a 1.8mb    S-51 medevac-v970a 1.6mb

WS-51 standard-v970a 2.1mb    WS-51 medevac-v970a 1.5mb

S51_interior_views 5.5mb     WS51_interior_views 5.8mb

MBB Bo105

Twin turbine, light multi-purpose utility helicopter.

I’m supplying you with both the older CB and later CBS models.

Now a quick&simple update of my old v763 models.

>My v763 CBS model was a ‘downgrade’ of Dirk Hillebold & Jens Stromeyer's v8.23 Bo105 CBS model (with Dirk’s permission, thank you) using their shape and general arrangement plus a few of my own adjustments, bits and pieces. The CB model was in turn adapted from my v763 CBS.

The Bo105 (CB) 360º interior is based on photographs supplied by AFNavarro; gracias Antonio!

Downloads for v970+

MBB Bo105 CB v970+ 3.0mb    MBB Bo105 CBS v970+ 3.7mb

Bo105 CB 360-interior 5.3mb

Taking the old helicopters to the scrapheap ...

I’m closing this project here; no further updates. The v10 reaves are the last files I’m supplying.

As usual these are freeware and commercial use or redistribution is NOT allowed.

Feel free to use them for your own fun and entertainment.

If you are a gifted 3D modeler or can get your hands on a decent -freeware- 3D-model, please, by all means contact me for permission to use my simple PlaneMaker models ‘under the hood’

-yes, I’d love to know if you are planning to do so.

The v10 resaves (v1051) & v1141 resaves

Beware!  these are very simple models, most of then ‘PlaneMaker-only’ with 2D panels. Some come with 360º photobased views.

They can also be used in v11...


Belvedere-v10rs  2.6mb    H-21 Shawnee-v10rs  3.1mb

HH-43 Huskie-v10rs  2.5mb    Hughes H500 v1051 4-pack.zip  8.1mb

MBB Bo105 CB v10rs  3.0mb    MBB Bo105 CBS v10rs  3.5mb    Bo105 CB 360-interior 5.3mb

Sikorsky S-51 H-5 & Westland Dragonfly  18.9mb

UH-1H Huey v1051rs 1.2mb    CH-146 Griffon v1051rs 1.6mb

Hiller Rotorcycle v1141rs 1.2mb    Hiller Rotorcycle v1051rs.zip 933kb

Hughes OH-6A Cayuse

The latest re-save; still the same very simple model: ‘PlaneMaker-only’ with 2D panel.

But now with adjusted weapons for xp11 (see included read-me).

And just in case the equally adjusted model and weapons for v1051.

Helicopter scrapheap

Life after the scrapheap?

2021, some keep coming back...

Bell UH-1H Huey

Still very much the old 3D-test version but now in v1141.

3D object by Emmanuel Baranger, PM model by me with (older) revision by Brett, extra liveries by FlightGear authors and NEW liveries by Henkfix -check the ReadMe.

Yes, does have a simple 3D panel now.

Files have been delivered to our local Helicopter Flying Curmudgeon hoping for a further check & update of the flightmodel.

Update  v1.0    (v1.01corrected windshield bug)

Flightmodel revised by Brett Sumpter (17-10-2021) Now available in 3 versions: the earlier Bell B205 / UH-1H Huey, the Bell B212 Twin-Two-Twelve and the Bell 412 / CH-146 Griffon.

Beware! this is still WIP - Read Brett’s notes (and other ReadMes). No liveries (yet) for the B212 & B412, though the Huey’s fit more or less.

Download    OH-6A Cayuse v1141  2.9mb    OH-6A Cayuse v1051  2.9mb

Hiller Rotorcycle

The foldable, portable one-seater helicopter of the 50’s.

By all means, google the real one!

Just for fun resurrected from the old dark v566 cave.

Download Hiller Rotorcycle v970+ 971kb

Hughes H269

A re-save of Pip’s old v9 model -with permission, of course

Download    Hughes 269 v1141rs Pip  16.9mb    Hughes 269 v1051rs Pip  16.9mb

Mil Mi-8 & Mi-26

For re-saves of active’s helicopters see here.